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FLIQ Analytics provides comprehensive analytics reporting models that help companies better understand and leverage their business data more effectively.

The reports can be customised to meet different needs and can cover a wide range of activities and indicators. The reports provide a visually clear and easy-to-understand presentation of the organisation's key performance indicators (KPIs), trends and potential problem areas. An example of a reporting application could be fleet monitoring.

For example, the equipment monitoring report provides a comprehensive view of the company’s equipment status, utilization rate, and maintenance activities. The report enables tracking of how effectively the equipment is used, when maintenance is needed, and where there are potential issues within the equipment. This proactive approach can assist in anticipating maintenance needs, reducing downtime, and optimizing equipment usage.

Tyypillinen kaluston seurantaraportti voi sisältää seuraavia elementtejä:

Käyttöaste: Yleiskatsaus kaluston käyttöasteesta eri ajanjaksoina, tunnistaen huippu- ja matalasesongit.

Maintenance History: A detailed account of equipment maintenance activities, including the most recent services performed and upcoming schedules.

Cost monitoring: monitoring the costs of maintaining and servicing the fleet, enabling cost-effectiveness analysis.

Usability analysis:
Information on how frequently and efficiently equipment is utilized, identifying potential areas for optimization.

These types of reports allow companies to make informed decisions, improve efficiency and save costs.

The reports help to visualise complex information in a simple and clear way, making it easy to use at all levels of the organisation.

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